
Citrus Aurantium Extract

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Product Name:Citrus Aurantium Extract

Latin Name:Citrus aurantium.L

Plant Part Used:Berry

Assay: Synephrine, Hesperidin,Diosmin,NHDC,Naringin

Colour: brown powder with characteristic odor and taste

GMO Status:GMO Free

Packing: in 25kgs fiber drums

Storage:Keep container unopened in cool, dry place,Keep away from strong light

Shelf Life:24 months from date of production


Citrus aurantium is regularly used by dietary supplement manufacturers because of its weight loss properties. It contains the chemical compounds tyramine, synephrine and octopamine, which promote the breakdown of fats, oils and lipids.

The compounds in Citrus aurantium trigger the body to discharge the stress hormone, norepinephrine (or noradrenaline) throughout receptor sites, generating chemical reactions that boost the breakdown of fats and enhance the body's metabolic resting rate.


Synephrine is a well known bronchial dilator, and is used extensively in with diet pills and weight loss formulas. It is first choice to take place of ephedrine in weight loss formula. Its primary use in the trade is to treat chest congestion and indigestion, stimulate gastrointestinal functions, and improve circulatory and liver functions.

 It functions to burn fat, increase physical performance, and build lean muscle mass.


bitter orange extract (Citrus aurantium) is a botanical credited with soothing properties. It is obtained from the peel of bitter oranges and it has a more delicate fragrance than sweet orange.

Citrus aurantium L, belonging to the family Rutaceae, is widely distributed in China. Zhishi, the Chinese traditional name for Citrus aurantium, has long been a folk medicine in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)to improve indigestion and help stimulate the Qi (energy force). It also has been a folk remedy in Italy since the 16th century for fevers like malaria and as an antiseptic. Recent studies have confirmed that Zhishi, replacing Ma Huang, can be used for treatment of obesity without the negative cardiovascular side effects. Function: Synepherine is the main active compound found in the fruit of Citrus aurantium, which is effective in providing the energy boost (caloric expenditure), aiding the expulsion of wind, warming the stomach, improving the appetite, and increasing metabolic rate. Citrus aurantium is theorized to stimulate fat metabolism without the negative cardiovascular side effects experienced by some people using Ma Huang. It is also a mild aromatic expectorant, a nervine and a laxation for constipation. 1. Weight Loss The most likely explanation for weight loss effects attributed to citrus aurantium supplements is the amphetamine-like effects of the alkaloids. Although this effect is likely to be somewhat less dramatic than effects induced by Ma Huang (ephedra alkaloids), users can expect variable effects including enhanced caloric expenditure, reduced appetite and heightened feelings of energy, all of which are likely to result in weight loss. [1], [2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12] A recent study conducted in dogs also suggests that synephrine can increase metabolic rate in a specific type of fat tissue known as Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT). Since synephrine and several other compounds found in zhi shi are structurally similar to ephedrine and act as stimulants to specific adrenergic receptors (beta-3, but not beta-1, beta-2 or alpha-1), zhi shi does not appear to have the same negative central nervous effects of Ma Huang (ephedra), which stimulates all beta-adrenergic receptors. 2. Mild Exhilarant Studies have attributed the energy enhancing effect of synephrine to stimulation of the Centre Nervous System [12], [14]. This integrated effect may include increased circulation of blood through the heart and cerebral tissue [5], elevated blood pressure and improved mental activity, which would readily qualify synephrine as a mild exhilarant. 3, Digestive Tract Discomfort Conformed with traditional use, Citrus Seed Extract can stimulate the digestive tract by stimulating stomach functions as well as having laxative and gas-relieving actions [8, 13] It may also help relieve nausea and sooth stomach disturbances such as gas and bloating [4] 4, Anti-Microbial Activities Citrus Seed Extract is a non-toxic and organic anti-microbial product. It shows a bacteria growth inhibitory effect in vitro [11] and can also inhibit the infection capability of some viruses. [9] Thus the extract is wildly used as a sanitizing disinfecting agent, as a preservative in foods or cosmetics, and in agriculture as a fungicide, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-viral agent



Acai Berry Extract is a fine purple powder that increases energy, stamina, improves digestion and offers better quality sleep. Product contains essential amino acid complex, high protein, high fiber, rich omega content, boosts the immune system, and helps normalize cholesterol levels. Acai berries also have 33 times the antioxidant power of red grapes and red wine.


Application:Used in foods, beverages, cold drink and cakes



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